Rethink Robotics

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Those who are believed dead live longer? Very much longer!
Hui, what a story! Our good old client once decided to give the company website a new shine with her daring vision. It was kind of a Phoenix-out-of-ash situation after the company filed for bankruptcy in the US. But hey, don't forget, we're in Germany! Under new leadership and with a fair amount of German engineering know-how, the company got a fabulous re-branding.
The mission: a complete overhaul of the website - not just a bit of makeover, but a real major overhaul. The new site was to be an impressive hybrid, a showpiece that would not only radiantly present the tech company and its products, but also cleverly convert visitors into B2B prospects.
The design? Crisp, clean and tidy, but with enough space for the important content - a real challenge for any design genius, but hey, who said designing is easy? And all this without making the visitor lose interest. Ingenious, isn't it?
But wait, there's more! A customer journey was conjured out of the hat for the UX (user experience), which enticed the visitor's eye with animations, effects and 3D elements to interact and led to the relevant content - deep into the magical world of unique websites. And the US market? Shouldn't be forgotten either, after all, that was the lion's share of the target group the company wanted to tap into.
Our favorite feature? Oh, it was definitely the Sawyer. As a central 3D element, it ensured that the design became a holistic experience in different sections as static and animated renderings. Strong, offensive and purposeful CTA ́s (call-to-actions) - gee, how we love them - put visitors in an atmosphere where they wanted to learn more about products and services. There was also a careers page to attract potential employees - the icing on the cake.
Before the glorious re-launch of the company's website was to take place, there was the cleverly designed 3D landing page that used content marketing to generate email addresses of the target audience before a relevant, upcoming trade show. The booth at the Automatica trade show aimed to remind the trade audience of the successes of the supposedly retired cobot pioneer and use the spotlight to tease a new product. And what a statement that was to the competition! Using a box designed in Blender 3D as inspiration, ad modum truly brought the trade show booth realization to life in Berlin. Applause!
P.S. For strategic reasons, the brand new company website has unfortunately not been launched to date.