Introduction Simon Brings

In every successful company, there are people who form the backbone of the business and help keep things running smoothly through their unique energy and expertise. It is important to us to highlight and share these individual stories so that you can get to know the faces and stories behind our creative studio WAGEMUT .
In today's employee presentation, we would like to introduce you to someone who contributes to our company with perseverance, commitment and passion: Simon Brings. Find out more about Simon's career, his experiences and what drives him every day.
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General questions
How did you join our company and what made you decide to start here?
After doing some online research on the usual job portals, I came across the job advertisement for Wagemut . Among other things, it included a point about "no code", which I found interesting. So I first went to the website to find out more about the company and used the online chat to have a quick chat. The application documents were then sent digitally. After that, there was a nice chat and some programming had to be done. After a short time, I received a call back, so we met a second time to prepare the documents. As I had a good feeling and the employees were all on the same wavelength, I then signed the contract.
What is your current role and what are your main tasks?
My tasks as a Frontend Developer include the implementation of websites that were previously created by the designer. Various tasks await me, such as the creation of a multistep process. However, it also happens that an existing customer contacts us and wants to have a new feature added, for example. Changing texts or images is less common, as we work with Webflow and the customer can do a lot of this themselves in the editor.
Which projects or tasks have been the most fun for you so far?
Difficult question, of course. I think in every project there is always one part or section that you look forward to building or animating the most. But the Porua project was a new challenge at the time, which was fun.
How would you describe the corporate culture in three words?
open, friendly, caffeinated
Work and career
What is special about your job?
That sometimes you are faced with "unsolvable" tasks, then of course you think about how best to do it... or how best to do it now and sustainably..... When you have won this battle and suddenly these "unsolvable" tasks work, that is of course a great feeling.
Is there a particular challenge or project that you are particularly proud of?
Another difficult question, but I think you can be proud of any project where the customer is satisfied and the website is online!
How does the company support your professional development?
If you have problems with the code, an experienced developer will of course be on hand to help, and in the best-case scenario will have the brilliant idea! It's also easy to get new equipment or digital software.
What is the best piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to work in your field?
Before you write the first line of code, you should of course plan everything in detail and create a style guide. A proper and structured plan can sometimes save time. Furthermore, you should of course stay on the ball and not immediately give up in frustration, but learn from your mistakes and do better next time.
Team and cooperation
How do you work together in your team?
The collaboration is going well! Questions are asked, ideas and solutions are worked out together. At the end of the day, you can always agree on something! And the most important thing of all: everyone is nice and friendly!
What do you value most about your colleagues?
As mentioned above: everyone is nice and friendly! That should be a matter of course these days, but unfortunately it's not. And everyone is on an equal footing. You can actually talk to them about any topic.
How does your team celebrate successes or milestones?
Of course, something like this is mentioned in the meetings.
Corporate vision and values
Which company value do you identify with the most and why?
That you try something new here, and take a chance! I have a little story about that: I once went to a restaurant in Verona (Italy). Of course, my Italian was as good as my Hungarian. I could of course play it safe and order a Margherita pizza (you know what you're getting). But as the waiter was getting closer and closer and I was undecided, I ordered "Parmigiana di Melanzane"... Never heard of it and never eaten it. After I finished the plate because it was so delicious, I knew I had to try something like this again!
How do you see the future of the company?
Very good! The company does not rest on its laurels, but always asks how it can reap even more laurels. That way, you can always see what effort is being made to continue to be successful or to be even more successful. That's why I respect everyone who works so hard for the company, regardless of their position!
How does your work contribute to the company's overall vision?
I think because of my daily work on the Mac and the fact that I like to ask the counter question, which surprises most people, but is often funny to see how they react. :D
Personal insights
Is there a book, movie or quote that has influenced your working style or philosophy?
I was influenced a lot by certain people at school, where I learned a lot. Or the "Man in Black" (Johnny Cash), simply an impressive man! I was also influenced and impressed by Vera F. Birkenbihl. This woman was already talking about things in the 70s that are now highly topical! Also my guitar teacher during my lifetime!
What do you do to relax and recharge from work?
Various, playing guitar, e.g. songs by Johnny Cash.
Playing darts and trying to score a pair of 180s.
I also like cycling or going to the soccer stadium at the weekend.
What's something surprising that most people don't know about you?
I can actually beatbox quite well. I taught myself when I was young and it's not something you forget quickly. Back then, it also helped me at school and brightened up many a school night!
Tips and advice
What advice would you give to someone who is just starting out in the industry?
Don't give up, all beginnings are hard! The day will come when you realize that things are going uphill.
How do you stay up-to-date and informed in your field?
Since I regularly watch coding videos and the like on YouTube anyway, my YouTube homepage is already full of the 'latest news' about Webflow, AI and the like. So of course you also get the 'short info' from Instagram and TikTok.
Which tool or app has changed or improved your day-to-day work the most?
Definitely AI - it has turned everything on its head. Problems that previously required intensive googling and trawling through Stackoverflow articles to solve can now be solved by AI in a short space of time. But don't worry, I believe that independent thinking and Stackoverflow are far from extinct.
Concluding thoughts
What do you wish for the future of the company?
It goes without saying that the company will continue to grow! In all areas, because we all have something to gain from it.
Is there someone in the company that you particularly admire for their work or influence?
Props to everyone!
What message would you like to pass on to the readers of the blog?
Of course, I'm pleased that you've come to the end. :D Feel free to look around here. I wish the readers all the best for the future, and who knows, maybe I'll see you soon. :)!
"The road of life is in front of you, you decide the direction."someone, sometime
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