Good to Know
Celine Ndakwa

Website as MVP

Website as MVP
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The smart & fast way for our and your performance!

For those who seem to live behind the moon and have not yet noticed: Our website got an upgrade a while back - a sexy new coat of paint! But we'll spare the details, because for that information you can read our other blog article. Just click here;-)

Today we are talking about the release format of our website: The MVP. Let's talk about it. MVP stands for Minimal Viable Product, and no, it has nothing to do with the Most Valuable Player in sports (sorry, LeBron!).

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Don't worry, I only understood station at the beginning.

But what the heck is a Minimal Viable Product? It's not that complicated. Imagine you want to build a website. Instead of spending months planning and developing it, you decide to start by just putting together the essential elements and going live. That means you put the basic features and content on the site without aiming for perfection. In our case, this happened really fast, and so our website became (d)a digital focal point in no time.

With an MVP, you focus on what's necessary to get your idea to market quickly, rather than investing time and resources in extensive planning. This allows you to get feedback from users and improve. It's an agile approach that allows you to be flexible to change while building a solid foundation for future development.




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Why MVP? Here are the advantages and disadvantages summarized for you:

Advantage 1: Kickdown - The fast start

‍‍MVPmeans you don't spend years planning and developing your website. You grab the essentials, bang them out, and voila - you're live! For us, it was a breeze, and our website was online in no time. Well, considering that we are a bunch of little perfectionists and had dozens of other projects going on, it actually went really fast.

Advantage 2: Real feedback

‍Whenyou go on stage, you immediately hear whether the audience is going wild or asleep. It's the same with an MVP. We put out our website and then listened to what people had to say about it. The feedback was honest and helped us tweak our website on the fly.

Advantage 3: Creative freedom

MVP also means having the freedom to be creative without being bogged down in endless meetings and planning. You implement your ideas without the constant search for perfection. This opens the door for bold experimentation - just like with our new branding statement aka our own website.

But wait! There are of course a few things to consider:

Disadvantage 1: Construction site - Not yet finished

Your MVP website won't be perfect - that's the whole point behind it. There may be bugs, not all features are available and the design might not be one hundred percent yet. For us, the best example is the "Work" section of our website. If you click on industries, you can see how many case studies we are actually missing and how much there is still to do. It's not that the finished works are not ready, it's just that they are still waiting for their individual, hot, lovingly crafted Case Study, because that takes time. But that's part of it.

Disadvantage 2: Risky (But no risk no fun... right?)

The MVP game is a risk. You're exposing your site to the public without knowing how it will be received. You may also make mistakes and have to change things later. But you know what? Mistakes usually bring a fresh perspective!

Disadvantage 3: Pressure

Let's stick with the stage comparison - when you go on stage, you have to deliver. It's the same with an MVP website. People may not expect much, but you still have to perform and keep going. The pressure can be hard sometimes, but it motivates you to get better.

Why did we choose an MVP?

Why did we choose just such an MVP? Because we are passionate creative minds who don't focus on perfection, but on creativity and Wagemut . We wanted to implement our ideas quickly, listen to our community's feedback and constantly improve the website.

We're proud of what we've accomplished so far, and can't wait to see you on our digital stage. So, stop by, check it out, and let us know what you think. Because the design world is all about being bold, taking risks, and always being on the cutting edge! See you online - stay fresh, stay creative! 🚀🤘

"You can't be afraid of failure. That's the only way you're going to succeed - you're not always going to succeed, and I know that. To get better, you have to be able to accept failure. "LeBron James

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