Good to Know
Celine Ndakwa

Why everyone suddenly knows your product

Why everyone suddenly knows your product
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Have you ever noticed that a certain car suddenly appears everywhere as soon as you think it's cool? Or that you suddenly can't get a jingle out of your head after hearing it just a few times? That's no coincidence - it's selective perception! It is precisely this characteristic of our brain that we use in marketing. Because if you want to be remembered, you have to say "hello" more often. Find out here how this works and how we at Wagemut make your brand visible so that it really stands out.

If you want to be remembered, you need more than just a one-off wow moment. Repetition, clever placement and targeted presence are the key. With our retainer, we ensure that your brand is always on the radar of your target group - and thus becomes an unmistakable part of their perception.

The magic of perception: Why we suddenly see some things everywhere

You've probably experienced it yourself: you hear a new radio ad - at first you hardly notice it, maybe even click it away - and yet a few days later you're humming the tune while you're stuck in a traffic jam. Or you suddenly become interested in a certain car and it seems as if everyone is driving around in it. Coincidence? Nope. Welcome to the world of selective perception and repetition. This is where we decide what we remember - and what we don't. Time for us to use this trick for you and your brand too!

Selective perception - when consciousness opens the eyes

The phenomenon of suddenly seeing something all the time is not magic, but simply selective perception. Once we have become aware of something, our brain filters countless impressions to just this information - the car, the song, the product. The technical term here: Frequency Illusion or "Baader-Meinhof phenomenon". Sounds fancy, but essentially it means that after an initial trigger, we perceive what we are looking for - consciously or unconsciously - again and again.

In short: our perception loves repetition. If a product, a slogan or a melody appears often enough, at some point our brain starts to consider this information relevant. "Hey, this thing must be important if it keeps popping up", our mind thinks and stores the information. This trick works not only for cars or radio advertising, but for anything that is intended to appear relevant in the long term. In marketing, this is simply called "brand awareness" - the goal of firmly anchoring a brand in the consumer's mind.

Frequency illusion, also known as the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, describes the feeling that a term, product or concept that we once became aware of suddenly appears "everywhere" - this is a specific aspect of selective perception.




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Repetition creates attention - and attention creates recognition

A one-off campaign rarely produces sustainable results. Why? Because the information simply doesn't stay with us long enough. And that's where the Wagemut retainer comes in: regularity is the key to catching people's attention again and again. Whether it's social media posts, advertising or newsletters - our retainer packages keep your brand present and create the necessary recognition value.

Think of our retainer model as a subscription. You pay regularly and get constant visibility in return: be it through social media management, continuous content posting, the placement of ads or recurring newsletters. Our goal? To regularly provide your target group with exactly the information that interests them - until they search for your product on their own.

Want an example? Why everyone is suddenly driving your dream car

You want to buy a new car and are interested in a particular model. Suddenly - boom - you see it everywhere. The model you hardly noticed before seems to be on every street. Why? Because your attention is now programmed to it and your brain filters out everything else on the road. Studies show that this selective perception is even based on the fact that our consciousness only registers around 1% of the countless pieces of information that come at us every day. The remaining 99 %? Fall through the filter - unless they fulfill the criterion: relevance.

Conclusion: perception is the result of clever repetition

Anchoring your brand or product in the memory of your target group requires the targeted use of selective perception. Repetition is not just advertising - it is the key to a lasting presence. This is exactly what we achieve with our retainers. Whether through regular social media posts, ads or newsletters - we make sure that your brand doesn't disappear into oblivion, but becomes visible again and again.

So, if you too want your customers to feel like they "see your brand everywhere" - then it's time to go the Wagemut way.

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