Takeshi Honda

Presentation Takeshi Honda

Presentation Takeshi Honda
Copyright WAGEMUT


In every successful business, there are people who form the backbone of the business and help keep things running smoothly through their unique energy and expertise. It's important to us to highlight and share these individual stories so that you, the faces and stories behind our creative studio can get to know WAGEMUT .

In today's staff showcase, we'd like to introduce you to someone who has stood out for his passion, dedication and talent: Takeshi Honda aka Taki. Learn more about Takeshi's career, his experiences and what drives him every day.

Takeshi Honda - Project / Account Management

With me there is no right or wrong!

Hola, I am the creative translator between studio and clients! As a mouthpiece, I juggle ideas and needs to create a harmonious interplay. Let's manage the creative chaos.Taki Taki, Taki Taki ~ Rumba!

Takeshi Honda



Have we been able to arouse your interest?

Then just get in touch!

General questions

How did you come to our company and what made you decide to start here?

How? Through Sebbo, I've known him for more than 32 years. Why? To actively promote digitalization and not just talk about it~

What is your current role and what are your main responsibilities?

I am responsible for internal and external communication and support project management.

What projects or tasks have you enjoyed the most so far?

All projects where I could creatively contribute to make it a little bit better.

How would you describe the corporate culture in three words?

Absolutist to egalitarian.

Work and career

What's special about your job?

The versatility and constant contact with people.

Is there a particular challenge or project that you are especially proud of?

Didn't we have the question similarly before? (see above)

How does the company support your professional development?

Constant feedback, free courses and textbooks... running!

What is the best advice you would give to someone who wants to work in your field?

Grit your teeth, build resilience.

Team and collaboration

What does collaboration look like in your team?

I invite you to find out 🙂

What do you appreciate most about your colleagues?

Honest feedback, even if it can be unpleasant.

How does your team celebrate successes or milestones?

Tears, laughter, cheers and prosits

Corporate vision and values

Which company value do you identify with the most and why?

Courage, because I often fall flat on my face and still have the courage to try again and again.

How do you see the future of the company?

Going for a pee with the big dogs and definitely getting your leg up.

How does your work contribute to the overall vision of the company?

Radically open and honest communication internally and externally. I reveal to customers who we are and what makes us tick.

Personal insights

Is there a book, movie or quote that has influenced your work style or philosophy?

Think different.

What do you do to unwind and recharge from work?


What's something surprising that most people don't know about you?

That under the soft shell hides a hard core ;P

Tips and advice

What advice would you give to someone just starting out in the industry?

Once more: Think different!

How do you stay current and informed in your field?

Telephoning is the magic word.

What tool or app has changed or improved your workday the most?


Final thoughts

What do you want for the future of the company?

That customers understand that they are not paying for the implementation of the work, but for the creativity, concepts, know-how and ideas. With Harley Davidson, you only pay for the dream and freedom, the bike comes free of charge.

Is there anyone in the company you particularly admire for their work or influence?

Yes, my mentor, but since he doesn't like to hear that, I won't mention his name...

What message would you like to give to the readers of the blog?

There is no right or wrong, there are only choices to be made and the only thing we have to learn in life is to face the consequences of our choices.

"Think different."Steve Jobs

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