Celine Ndakwa

BYE BYE 2023!

BYE BYE 2023!
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A year full of energy and creativity and this is our review of the year!

2023 was a year full of changes, challenges and successes for us. In this look back, we bring together the perspectives and experiences of all daredevils to give you a holistic, exclusive picture of the year.

Development and growth

Poetically moved out: The year was characterized by further development. The official transition from an agency to a studio brought fresh inspiration and a new positioning on our part. As Adam emphasized, everyone in the team worked hard and contributed to WAGEMUT reaching a new level. We were also surprised that we could do even better, as great as we already were! The hard work on our website redesign and the launch of the blog reflects the dynamic, funky, cool, unique, wild, exciting nature of WAGEMUT . According to Taki, this was the right decision, as the increased recognition and reward for the team's creativity is a clear sign that we are on the right track.

Team dynamics and new additions

Ein besonderes Highlight war der Zuwachs im Team durch Celine, die frische Energie und Talent mitbrachte. Ihre Ankunft wurde von allen als Bereicherung empfunden. (hehe danke Leute <3). Dennoch müssen wir uns auch die (nicht gemeisterte) Herausforderung eingestehen, dass das Recruiting von qualifizierten Front-End-Developern sich komplizierter als gedacht gestaltet, was zeigt, dass Wachstum auch seine Schwierigkeiten mit sich bringt.

Challenges and solutions

As previously mentioned, unfortunately not everything went smoothly... shocker! In our review of the year, Adam and Sebbo talk about challenges such as dealing with unreliable customers and the need to improve project management. Simon emphasized at this point that it is important to learn and develop from these challenges. To this we can only nod and nudge, as we only take the positives from every situation and if there is nothing, hopefully we get plus points on our karma account!

Personal and professional highlights

Each of us had our own personal highlights this year, which had a particular impact on our everyday lives. For Adam it was the new office equipment #Upgrade, for Sebbo the launch of the blog and for Patrick the recognition as a creative studio by a corporate client. Simon highlights the Christmas party and the joint successes, while Celine sees her career change as a particular highlight.

Adam James

Adam James - Communication Designer

2023 was a year of success and development for me. I have seen how everyone in the team has worked hard to take WAGEMUT to a new level. The transition from an agency to a studio brought new inspiration. I am particularly pleased about Celine, who brings brings fresh energy and talent to the team. My highlights were the new office equipment, Celine and the discovery of Uncle Ben's 2 minute rice bag. I'm looking forward to who we will gain next year.


Sebastian Feuster - Frontend Dev / Managing Partner

The year 2023 felt to me as if it had passed in fast-forward. The new blog and the redesign of our website reflect the colorful and dynamic nature of WAGEMUT . Celine's arrival and the redesign of our office were important milestones. milestones. Despite challenges in the development area and with some clients, I see the year the year positively and am excited about the future.

Patrick Schikwoski

Patrick Schikowski - Fullstack Designer / Managing Partner

For me, 2023 was a fast-paced year with full order books and new challenges. The relaunch of our website as a content engine and the introduction of new products and partnerships were highlights. The difficulties in recruiting qualified front-end front-end developers and our rapid growth were challenging, but I believe our team is well positioned for team well positioned for 2024.

Simon Brings

Simon Brings - Frontend Developer

The year had highs and lows for me, but the highs outweighed the lows. I am pleased about the many new learning experiences, even if not all goals were achieved. The Christmas party and our joint successes were my personal highlights. I emphasize the importance of good cooperation with all our customers.

Celine Ndakwa

Celine Ndakwa - Visual Designer

2023 was a year full of change and personal development for me. My move to WAGEMUT was a significant step that brought me confidence, respect and the opportunity for personal development. I see my professional development in a positive light, even if I wasn't able to learn all the skills I wanted. My highlight was being part of the successes WAGEMUT 's successes and getting to know great people.

Takeshi Honda

Takeshi Honda - Project / Account Management

I see the year as a big step in the right direction. The increasing recognition and reward for our creativity, as well as the increase in workshops and consultations were particularly pleasing for me. The redesign of our website was my personal highlight, and I emphasize the importance of every customer, big or small. small.




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